March 22, 2013 @ 10:23 AM
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Easiest Way To Be Happy In The Office
Most people that I've known, they're normally dislike their current job. And most of it because of their bosses, or colleagues. Boleh dikatakan semua faktor luar. Not because of the work itself. So the easiest way are kill our boss that we hate or otherwise, kill our colleague whom annoyed. Jangan tukar kerja. Because when people change their job@ profession, they will always regret. Yup truly regret. Basically, new job will not be able to fulfill of what they intended it to be. And yes, ia terbukti.
If we hate boss who always did sexual harassment, stab their penis/dick. If hate the boss who always yelling and "histeria-ly" screaming, just stab their neck/throat. If our colleague annoyed, stab their eyes or lung or whatsoever. Simple kan. So our life will become happier. Betul tak?
Tak ada lah. Acah je.
Basically, memang susah kita nak dapat apa yang kita nak secara pukal sekaligus pada masa sama. The grass is always greener on the other side. Sometimes the problem is us ourselves. But we fail to realize. So macam suka seseorang, there are things that we don't like about her/him. So kena terima semua. Not just half her/him
And yet, same with work. Things are all the same. Don't do things half hearted.
You'll regret.
Menyampah kan?
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